Spacious Andong Tunnel was built for defensive purposes during the war in 1971. Only until 2004 that it became accessible to the public. The tunnel is covered with camouflage paint, and going down and passing a slope, one shall come across a network of underground pathways.
The tunnel is about 600 meters long, and along it there are eight sub-paths which lead to the commander’s room, soldiers’ bedroom, Zhongshan Room, the tactics rom, the ammunition room, toilets, and even a pigsty. All of these spaces lead to the sea eventually. The observatory cave is located by a coastal cliff. It was also used to fire cannons. Today, it is ideal for watching the sea, terns, and the bay.
1. It takes about 30 to 60 minutes to explore the site. The stairs are steep and they go down and down. Be prepared that you must climb up steep stairs on way back.
2. Turn on and off the lights as necessary when visiting the tunnel. The tunnel is steep. No vehicles are allowed!
3. The terns are highly sensitive to noises. Do lower your voice when watching them in the tunnel. Leave them a quiet place to stay.