Situated by Beigan Airport, Tanghoudao Beach used to be a sandbank connecting Tangqi and Hou’ao Villages. The vast beach extends as far as a few hundred meters like a plateau by the sea, and its sands are so soft and fine that they are hailed as “sugar sands.” The road in the middle was built to facilitate transport to the airport, and it divides the beach into two halves. Visitors can watch airplanes taking off and landing at a super close distance if they take a walk along this path. What a rare view to enjoy in the world!
Appreciating Blue Tears at a close distance - Tanghoudao Beach as an iconic observing spot
The famous Blue Tears can be appreciated every year from March to September. Whenever ocean waves hits the shores, the algae can be found glowing amongst them. Take a walk at the beach and you may find the blue glowing creatures by your feet.